While you may have just recently been hearing about coaching, it's actually not new. It's been around since the 1980's. And the best way I can describe it is having a partner, who's further along on the journey than you are, who will share with you what they know.
You could liken a coach to a mentor in that they share knowledge and guide you in the right direction. You could consider them a resource for knowledge, as many of them have acquired a unique and specific skillset on their journey. You could consider them your own personal champion and encourager since, as they guide you toward your new way of experiencing life, they will revel in celebrating your wins with you! But most importantly you can consider them a vehicle for change. They can meet you where you are and guide you to where you want to be. You could go it alone, but a coach can get you to your destination of fulfillment and satisfaction, faster, and more successfully.
My specific skill lies in providing a solid base—a foundation from which to build your entire life. I work with clients on mindset, relationships, life purpose, spirituality and health and wellness. My process moves people beyond their limitations, helps them uncover their authentic self and show up in the world exactly as they were meant to be...with grace and power. My ultimate goal is to get you to love your life!
Click here to schedule your complimentary discovery session.