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True Self Exercise

Who am I really? If I strip away all labels and titles, who am I?

Image by trí võ
Image by Alexis Fauvet

What do I really want? Look beyond the things the world tells us to want. What is your deepest innermost desire?

Image by Ross Findon

Think about your ideal life. What comes to mind? How far are you now from living your ideal? What’s one thing you can commit to that will move you closer?

What are your values? What are the hills that you are willing to die on? These are the things you should be building your life around. Every choice you make should line up with what you value ie, love, integrity, family, growth, faith. Write out your top 5. These should be the core of everything you do?

Image by Louis Smit

On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you? What changes do you need to make to get to ten if you’re not there already.

Image by Katarzyna Grabowska
Image by Millo Lin

If you could do ____________ it would add more joy to your life. What thing could you add to your daily, weekly, or monthly experience? Adding this will enhance your journey through life. For example, if you don’t see family as often as you like, could you carve out one day per month for visiting? If you enjoy tea, could you get up 20 minutes earlier every day for journaling with a cup of tea? If you enjoy cooking, could you carve out one Sunday per month to make a new recipe? Small things are just as enriching as larger things and easier to implement.

Make journaling a part of your life. The growth it spawns is extremely beneficial when implementing any life change. Keep them and go back through them periodically for reminders of your goals and to keep track of your progress. You’ll be glad you did.


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