Health is Wealth
We spend so much time thinking about money or how to find success or get rich, but we pay little to no attention to the foundation of that equation...our health.
Our physical apparatus is sacred but many of us take it for granted. How many people stop throughout the day and express gratitude for their bodies or appreciate the many ways it serves us in all its complexity? We are given flesh, blood and bone to house our spirit. It is an extremely important part of our existence and if we treat it well, it will repay us by not having to think about our health. If we don’t we will eventually pay the price. Can you imagine having all the money in the world but not be healthy enough to spend it? As someone who has dealt with a chronic illness, trust me, it will consume your life.
There are some fundamental things that you can do to help ensure your body serves you well for years to come. One is a quality multivitamin. A food based one is best and it should include all of the vitamins and minerals, perhaps with the exception of iron if you’re no longer menstruating and eat enough red meat. Studies show that iron can accumulate in the body and affect your heart. We still need it, but try to get it from food.
All those nutrients we see on the vitamin bottle serve a very important function. Vitamin A ensures we have healthy vision and strong immunity. Vitamin D also shores up our immune system and controls other metabolic processes like the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Vitamin K directs minerals to the bones. Biotin is the beauty vitamin. We can all use a little of that.
Steer clear of multivitamins that are missing important nutrients, with the exception of iron which I explained above. Vitamins and minerals interact with one another in a miraculous dance. For example, calcium and magnesium balance each other. If a nutrient is missing it can lead to trouble. Stick to the RDA amounts and get the rest from food if you can. High doses of some vitamins can be can be toxic.
The second foundational principle is detoxification. Our environments are filled with toxins, from what we eat to what we put on our bodies. Our lawn services stir up pesticides from our grass and they float into our homes through open or unsealed windows. Our cleaning supplies allow chemicals to be inhaled and absorbed through our skin. Even the carpet we walk on in our homes can be a source of toxic materials, releasing VOC's every time we walk on it. Studies show that the older we get we have an abundance of these toxins, phthalates for example, in our system. These chemicals over-burden our organs and keep them from doing the things they need to do. We're walking through the world slightly poisoned and that blocks the body from performing at it's best. It’s smart to try to avoid as much of it as we can but it’s futile to try to avoid all of it. This is where detoxification comes in.
There are certain substances that assist our liver with the detoxification process. I’ll leave a few here:
Milk Thistle–a mild herbal supplement that contains silymarin a substance that is proven via studies to help the liver with the detoxification process. It’s available in pill format, tincture and tea. If you are on medication ask your doctor and do your research before consuming.
Glutathione–considered the master anti-oxidant also has properties that assist the liver with detoxification. It's available as a supplement. Asparagus and cabbage are food sources of glutathione. Cruciferous vegetables are also known to boost glutathione levels.
Sulfur–a mineral in cruciferous vegetables has some detoxifying properties. Cabbage, broccoli and broccoli sprouts all contain this nutrient.
Epsom Salt–Epsom salt baths are a great way to detox.
If you can switch to body and bath products made with less toxic materials it will go along way in keeping your toxicity levels down. Brands like Burt Bees, Shea Moisture, and Toms of Maine are a little cleaner. For household products try Seventh Generation.
The third foundational principle is getting the proper hydration. The body is 60-65% water. It is recommended the average person drink around 8 cups per day. Some will require more, some will require less. Find the proper amount for you. If you eat more vegetables, since they are mostly water, you may require less.
In addition to drinking the correct quantity of water, the kind of water you drink also matters. Water must contain minerals or it can damage the body by making it overly acidic and depriving it of electrolytes. Hopefully you’re drinking filtered water. Many filters nowadays will leave beneficial minerals in the water. If you have a water filter that does not, add minerals to your water in the form of a supplement. There are several brands and types available on Amazon. Concentrace is a popular brand. You can also add a pinch of Himalayan sea salt if you're not on a salt restricted diet. Mineral and spring water are also good choices, preferably in a glass or non toxic bottle. As you drink water you replenish the required hydration level so your metabolism and organs, like your kidneys, work properly. Kidneys also support the detoxification process.
The fourth foundational principle is eating fruits and vegetables. They’re now saying we need up to 9 cups per day because the soil is so deficient in nutrients. Low sugar smoothies and juicing are a great way to get the required servings in, in an enjoyable way. Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, water, vitamins and minerals…all things that improve health. Fruits and vegetables are also key to having a healthy microbiome which is the fancy term for all the friendly bacteria that live in our colon. They thrive when we eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Each strain of bacteria eats something different. Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables makes sure each strain gets what it needs to thrive. The microbiome is involved in almost all processes of the human body...immunity, hormone regulation, nutrient absorption. We need all those friendly bugs, and we need them to be strong and healthy.
The fifth foundational principle is to get rid of unwanted pathogens, bacteria and parasites. As best as possible make sure your food is clean. Know where it comes from and who’s preparing it. Unbeknownst to us, often, parasite eggs are on fruits and vegetables and we unwittingly eat them. They travel through the digestive system where they set up residence and start wreaking havoc on the body. You can’t experience optimal health when you are carrying too many of these critters.
There are natural antiviral, antibacterial and anti-parasitic herbs and foods. Turmeric, olive leaf, monolaurin, coconut oil, cloves, pumpkin seeds all have properties that kill unwanted bacteria, pathogens and parasites without harming friendly bacteria. I do a pumpkin seed binge once or twice a year to keep parasite counts down. Toast them and sprinkle with clove for a one two punch. Garlic is also beneficial and herbal teas such as peppermint and green tea also have anti-parasitic/anti-bacterial properties. Rotate the above substances through your diet on a regular basis to keep yourself pathogen free.
The sixth foundational principle is moving your body. Doesn't have to be rigorous exercise if that's not your thing but find an activity you enjoy and commit to it. At the very least look for opportunities to take the stairs or park your car farther away from the door so you take extra steps. Even regular household chores count. Sweep and mop with vigor, hang clothes on the line...all of that counts if you really get into it. Reach and stretch wherever possible. The American Heart Association recommends 10,000 steps per day. A fitness tracker that counts your steps ie, Fitbit can help you keep track of your daily activity.
And lastly, make sure you get ample sleep. Get a good bed or mattress pad to make sure you’re comfortable. Good pillows, a darkened room, with no electronics is the best way to usher in quality sleep. If you tend to sleep hot, all cotton sheets might help or purchase a compact fan and place it bedside or lower your thermostat at night. If you still struggle consider adding in a magnesium supplement. Many find taking a low dose an hour before bed helps with sleep.
And there you have it. Take a multivitamin, detox periodically, drink quality water, eat enough fruits and vegetables, move your body, keep pathogens and microbe counts down, and get the proper rest and YOU WILL EXPERIENCE GOOD HEALTH.