Who Are You, Really?
We are here on this journey to learn, expand, and become the best possible version of ourselves. For that reason, being a human being can feel hard. Each moment is calling us forward into something new. It can be scary, for example, if you’re being called into areas that are unfamiliar to you. Or, it can be painful if you’re being called to let go of things, or even people, you’ve outgrown. Some of us resist these changes. We go through life not willing to submit to the growth process. Choosing instead, to settle into our pain. Wanting more but refusing to move forward into who we’re being asked to become because we feel it’s too difficult. Then there are those of us who, like me, when I first started searching, would be willing to change if they had the right understanding, the right knowledge, the right tools. They want to start but don’t know where to begin.
It is possible to be a deliberate creator of your own experience. One of the ways we do that is by being completely rooted in self-knowledge. Meaning, we know who we are through and through and from that starting place we build…we keep what needs to be kept and we change what needs to be changed.
Values work is crucial to this process. If you don’t know what you value, how can you build a satisfying life? It is imperative that we get in tune with ourselves. I’ve created a free journal prompt under the GROWTH TAB. Print it off, light a candle, get quiet and get to know yourself. Only then can you begin creating a life that suits you. One that aligns with who you are and makes you completely and totally happy.
To your journey,
Tonya xoxo